The Delicious Sausage

Complete guide for the Jaeger task; The Delicious Sausage

Needed for Kappa

Task Objectives:

Scout the Shestyorochka store at Nikitskaya street
Scout the Sparja store at Primorsky ave
Scout the Sparja store in Pinewood hotel
Scout the Goshan store in Concordia
Hand over 1 found in raid Salty Dog beef sausage

Task Rewards:

+2,600 EXP
Jaeger Rep +0.01
10,000 Roubles (Without an Intelligence Center)
10,500 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 1)
11,500 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 2)
2x Bolts
2x Screw nuts
1x Corrugated hose

If you are looking to do runs then head over to our Discord Piranha.TV/Discord, We have a large LFG community, and a Sherpa Programme that will help you!


Task Requirements:

  • Must be level 5 to start this task


Task Objective Dialogue:

Оh! Come on in, I've got a job for you! Listen, how long ago have you been in town? Well, I got a job for you. Run through the supermarkets, see if they've been looted. And do the old man a favour and look for the Salt Dog sausage or something like that. Mechanic kindly introduced it to me, and now I'm craving it. It's killing me!


Task Completion Dialogue:

So, how's the situation out there? Nothing left? Bloody looters! But did you find the sausage? Haha, what a miracle! But what about the expiration date?

Video tutorial
