The Courier

Complete guide for the Mechanic task; The Courier

Needed for Kappa

Task Objectives:

Stash [fish:item:UPvZ:REAP-IR] under the base of the yellow crane on the construction site on Customs
Stash [fish:item:UPvZ:REAP-IR] behind the trash containers at the "new" gas station on Customs

Task Rewards:

+137,000 EXP
+1 Crafting skill level
+1 Intellect skill level
1× [fish:item:MGqT]

If you are looking to do runs then head over to our Discord Piranha.TV/Discord, We have a large LFG community, and a Sherpa Programme that will help you!


Task Requirements:

  • Must be level 55 to start this task


Task Objective Dialogue:

Hello, mercenary, can you help me out with something? I have a client, they need me to deliver a couple of items to two specific drop spots on Customs. Are you down? The client needs two REAP-IR scopes: the first one has to be stashed under the yellow crane on the construction site, it's near a big fortified building, and the second one has to be stashed behind the garbage containers at the gas station, the one on the main road. The only issue is that I don't have any of those scopes on me right now.

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