Safe Corridor

Complete guide for the Skier task; Safe Corridor

Needed for Kappa

Task Objectives:

Eliminate Scavs in the underground warehouse on Reserve

Task Rewards:

+9,000 EXP
Skier Rep +0.04
35,000 Roubles (Without an Intelligence Center)
36,750 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 1)
40,250 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 2)
2x [fish:item:pPl5:5.45x39 BP gs 120 pcs. ammo pack]
2x Expeditionary fuel tank

If you are looking to do runs then head over to our Discord Piranha.TV/Discord, We have a large LFG community, and a Sherpa Programme that will help you!


Task Objective Dialogue:

Oh, here you are, just in time! I could use your help. My dudes tried to borrow some supplies from the warehouses on the reserve base, but no luck. Some serious guys dug in there, and these reserve fellas are tough as fuck, not just regular smartasses. And I feel that unless you fuck them up, my guys can't steal any supplies from there... I don't give a shit about the whole base, but the underground warehouses are where the good stuff is, You'll help us, won't you? Yeah, go there and back up my guys while they search the place.

Video tutorial
