Kiba Arms outer door key

Complete guide on the Interchange key; Kiba Arms outer door key

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24h avg price

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Key Notes:

  • Key formerly know as Key To KIBA Store Outlet
  • This is the first of two keys required to enter the KIBA firearms store. The second key is Key to KIBA Outlet grate door


Key Spawn Location:

  • On Interchange at the campsite in the Goshan store, behind a tent on a book
  • In the Pockets and bags of Scavs & Player Scavs


Key Lock Location:

  • The first door to enter the KIBA weapons store on the map Interchange, located near the center of the mall


Behind the Lock:

  • A second locked grate door that requires the Key to KIBA Outlet grate door to be opened. Visit the Key to KIBA Outlet grate door for details of Loot available in the store


Key Description:

Key to the KIBA equipment store outlet at the Ultra shopping mall

Video tutorial
