Huntsman Path - Controller

Complete guide for the Jaeger task; Huntsman Path - Controller

Needed for Kappa

Task Objectives:

Kill 2 PMCs blinded with the flashbang

Task Rewards:

+21,000 EXP
Jaeger Rep +0.04
49,999 Roubles
1x [fish:item:oioy]

If you are looking to do runs then head over to our Discord Piranha.TV/Discord, We have a large LFG community, and a Sherpa Programme that will help you!


Task Objectives:

  • Kill 2 PMCs blinded with the flashbang


Task Rewards:

  • +21,000 EXP
  • Jaeger Rep +0.04
  • Roubles:
    • 49,999 Roubles (Without an Intelligence Center)
    • 52,499 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 1)
    • 57,499 Roubles (With Intelligence Center Level 2)
  • 1x [fish:item:oioy]


Task Objective Dialogue:

Come on in. As a hunter, I can tell you for sure that holding control over the target is really important. Sometimes if you manage to blind the animal, even the most dangerous ones, they stop being dangerous. This works with humans as well. Who cares what hell of a gun he has if he's as blind as a mole?


Task Completion Dialogue:

Learned the lesson? Good.

Video tutorial
